I missed codes. Add this function : void MyExternalRTPChannel::OnSendOpenAck(H245_H2250LogicalChannelAckParameters& param) const { // SONY if(payloadCode >= 96) { param.IncludeOptionalField(H245_H2250LogicalChannelAckParameters::e_dynamicRTPPayloadType); param.m_dynamicRTPPayloadType = payloadCode; } H323_ExternalRTPChannel::OnSendOpenAck(param); } 2014-02-26 20:04 GMT+09:00 Ankur Deep Jaiswal <ankur@techgentsia.com>:
Hi, In The OLC for H.264 (generic and extended). in multiplexparameters:h225logicalchannelparameters h323plus does not supply dynamicRTPPalyoadType and mediaPacketization:rtpPayloadtype
due to this some clients refuse to display video , if these parameters are not present.
any idea on how to implement these.
Help appreciated. -- Ankur Deep Jaiswal