Josh ICE is not suitable for H.323 Regardless a gatekeeper is required (even with ICE a SIP Server, Turn Server and STUN Server is required) H.460.18/.19 is the most commonly supported method which is supported in both h323plus and GnuGk. Compiling h323plus with the --enable-h46018 switch should be enough. This proxies media through the gatekeeper. H.460.23/.24 is the H.323 equivalent to ICE and is also is supported in both h323plus and GnuGk. If you want to not use a Gatekeeper? You don't have much choice. Classic STUN can be used (Supported) but you cannot receive calls. UPnP will soon be fully supported in no gatekeeper mode (currently only with H.460.24). The endpoint will auto-negotiate with the router and open TCP-1720 to listen for calls and open/close media ports as they are required. Simon -----Original Message----- From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of J.C Mercier Sent: 26 December 2011 17:10 To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: [h323plus] H.323 p2p media Hi all, Just curious to know if ICE NAT traversal metrology can also be implemented to help H.323, or is there any alternate approach as a work in progress for P2P media without requiring the use of a gatekeeper? Any info or other possibilities/approach will be greatly appreciated Thanks Josh