Because I thank previous guidance,but you said that the email list,Both Me and My manager do this in case I error under,but no any answer.If the answer last question me,thank you very much i.
Best regards.
Zahra Dehghanian fard.

--- On Mon, 22/6/09, abbas bahrami <abbas_bh1@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: abbas bahrami <abbas_bh1@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: RE: Myphone2 (Please help to we solve only this problem)
To: s.horne@packetizer.com
Cc: zahra_d84@yahoo.com
Date: Monday, 22 June, 2009, 9:00 PM

Hi Sir.
As you mentioned in your last mail, We copy the Dll files in the MyPhone program root, then the execution file is run correctly. But when we trace the my phone program, we have a problem in "PVideoInputDevice_VideoForWindows::Open" method, When run this method with trace line by line and we received to "threadStarted.Wait();" and in this function when receive to "WaitForSingleObjectEx(handle, INFINITE,AssResult);" it show a memory error; I attached a picture of this error and thread status. Please help us to solve this problem too.
I am in wait to have your suggestion in any way.
Best regards.
Abbas Bahrami.
Technical Manager of EITS Co. 

--- On Sat, 6/20/09, ZAHRA dehghanianfard <zahra_d84@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: ZAHRA dehghanianfard <zahra_d84@yahoo.com>
Subject: Fw: RE: Myphone2
To: abbas_bh1@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 12:03 AM

--- On Fri, 19/6/09, Simon Horne <s.horne@packetizer.com> wrote:

From: Simon Horne <s.horne@packetizer.com>
Subject: RE: Myphone2
To: "'ZAHRA dehghanianfard'" <zahra_d84@yahoo.com>, support@packetizer.com
Date: Friday, 19 June, 2009, 9:56 PM




These type of messages should be sent to the h323plus mailing list.


Video codecs are now plugins. You must compile the H.261 plugin and place the DLL’s in your application directory.


Here is something you should know

  1. MyPhone will not compile with the lasted H323plus source code as I have not had time to upgrade the program.
  2. Some Video Camera will not work with the MyPhone2 0.4 because the DirectShow support in ptlib v1.12 does not work.
  3. H.264 is not supported.
  4. H.263 requires you compile the plugin and put the FFMPEG dll in app directory


Basically it is currently broken, if you want to use MyPhone for the basis of a commercial product then you will need to do a lot of work to get it to compile with the latest h323plus version and currently I do not have the time to volunteer to do the job .


Sending repeated emails to any address you can find is NOT going to get the support you require.  Please refer all questions to the mailing list or otherwise your emails will be ignored.





From: ZAHRA dehghanianfard [mailto:zahra_d84@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 5:05 PM
To: support@packetizer.com; ""
Cc: webmaster@packetizer.com
Subject: Fw: Myphone2


I have built the MyPhone latest version with h323plus: 


h323plus-v1.19.5-src and ptlib-v1_12_0-src and Myphone2 0.4.
VS.NET 2003 
The voice works greatly, but the video panel doesn't show Fake Video. 
I can find the H.261 codec in the setting window. 
Anybody has any ideas? 
thank you in advance


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