huh, this is interesting - this came up in the trace.txt file - why is 1877.6kb/s being requested? is this something to do with ekiga not being set up properly? 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 20 options found: Adaptive Packet Delay = 0 Annex D = 0 CIF MPI = 1 CIF16 MPI = 0 CIF4 MPI = 0 Dynamic Video Quality = 0 Encoding Quality = 15 Frame Height = 144 Frame Time = 3003 Frame Width = 176 h323_stillImageTransmission = 0 h323_temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = 0 Max Bit Rate = 1920000 Max Rx Frame Height = 288 Max Rx Frame Width = 352 Min Rx Frame Height = 288 Min Rx Frame Width = 352 QCIF MPI = 1 SQCIF MPI = 0 Target Bit Rate = 621700 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 LogChan Bandwidth requested/used = 1920.0/0.0 kb/s 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 1877.6kb/s 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Bandwidth request: +1920.0kb/s, available: 1877.6kb/s 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Available bandwidth exceeded 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 OnReceivedPDU gave error 7 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 RTP Found existing session 2 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 RTP Releasing session 2 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 1877.6kb/s 0:07.439 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H225 Fast start open: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <<null>>