Hi all,

I finally did the modifications to enable the 4 CIF capability. In my trace, All entries has CIF4 = 2.. But the PVX client are not sending video, the OpenMCU doesn't receive video.

I'm sending the modifications. Am I right? if not, What should I have to do?

I'm still getting the PColCnv PColourConverter constructed: YUV420P 704x576 -> YUV420P 352x28 at trace.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

debianVC:/usr/local/src/openmcu-v2_2_5# diff conference.cxx.old conference.cxx

< MCUVideoMixer::FillCIFYUVFrame(memberFrameStores.GetFrameStore(CIF_WIDTH, CIF_HEIGHT).data.GetPointer(), 0, 0, 0);
> MCUVideoMixer::FillCIFYUVFrame(memberFrameStores.GetFrameStore(CIF4_WIDTH, CIF4_HEIGHT).data.GetPointer(), 0, 0, 0);

debianVC:/usr/local/src/openmcu-v2_2_5# diff conference.h.mexido conference.h
< MCUSimpleVideoMixer(PBoolean forceScreenSplit = FALSE,H323Capability::CapabilityFrameSize _frameSize = H323Capability::cif4MPI);
> MCUSimpleVideoMixer(PBoolean forceScreenSplit = FALSE,H323Capability::CapabilityFrameSize _frameSize = H323Capability::cifMPI);

debianVC:/usr/local/src/openmcu-v2_2_5# diff mcu.cxx.old mcu.cxx
< frameSize = H323Capability::cifMPI;
> frameSize = H323Capability::cif4MPI;

debianVC:/usr/local/src/openmcu-v2_2_5# diff h323.cxx.old h323.cxx
<     if (!InitGrabber(videoGrabber, CIF_WIDTH, CIF_HEIGHT)) {
>     if (!InitGrabber(videoGrabber, CIF4_WIDTH, CIF4_HEIGHT)) {

Best regards,
