Hi, as most of you probably know, the GNU Gatekeeper is covered by the GNU Public license (GPL v2). Using GnuGk commercially is fine and it is also no problem to include it into commercial offerings as long as long as the proper credit is given and the modified source code is made available. Usually this works out fine, but sometimes a vendor needs a friendly reminder. So I would like to start a "GPL awareness week" where we all keep an open eye which products include the GNU Gatekeeper and check if they give credit and if the source code is available. I started a page to publish the code patches from vendors who bundle GnuGk at http://www.gnugk.org/gnugk-bundle.html If you know more applications that ship with GnuGk or have questions about the licensing details, please contact me off list. Let make sure everybody who uses GnuGk knows about it and enjoys the full benefits that the GPL guarantees! Regards, Jan -- Jan Willamowius, jan@willamowius.de, http://www.gnugk.org/