Luke The maximum bitrate is wrong. A value of above 621700 is technically impossible to transmit. The value should be whatever is set in the client. If you set 384k the maximum bitrate transmitted in the TCS should be 384k I suggest you try another H.323 client. Simon -----Original Message----- From: h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com [mailto:h323plus-bounces@lists.packetizer.com] On Behalf Of lkcl luke Sent: 14 August 2012 23:23 To: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: Re: [h323plus] openmcu and h323plus - getting video operational huh, this is interesting - this came up in the trace.txt file - why is 1877.6kb/s being requested? is this something to do with ekiga not being set up properly? 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 20 options found: Adaptive Packet Delay = 0 Annex D = 0 CIF MPI = 1 CIF16 MPI = 0 CIF4 MPI = 0 Dynamic Video Quality = 0 Encoding Quality = 15 Frame Height = 144 Frame Time = 3003 Frame Width = 176 h323_stillImageTransmission = 0 h323_temporalSpatialTradeOffCapability = 0 Max Bit Rate = 1920000 Max Rx Frame Height = 288 Max Rx Frame Width = 352 Min Rx Frame Height = 288 Min Rx Frame Width = 352 QCIF MPI = 1 SQCIF MPI = 0 Target Bit Rate = 621700 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 LogChan Bandwidth requested/used = 1920.0/0.0 kb/s 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 1877.6kb/s 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Bandwidth request: +1920.0kb/s, available: 1877.6kb/s 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Available bandwidth exceeded 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 OnReceivedPDU gave error 7 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 RTP Found existing session 2 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 RTP Releasing session 2 0:07.438 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H323 Bandwidth request: -0.0kb/s, available: 1877.6kb/s 0:07.439 H225 Answer:b5da7b70 H225 Fast start open: { forwardLogicalChannelNumber = 1 forwardLogicalChannelParameters = { dataType = nullData <<null>>