-----Original Message----- From: openh323-devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net [mailto:openh323- devel-bounces@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of Simon Horne .... I certainly don't know what the fuss is about.
The fuss is over dilution of effort. Taking up valuable developer hours porting from one to the other, multiple releases and bug lists, and most important the cross posting on lists! :-)
Opal has already really good H.323 support but you cannot *make* people or *conjole* people to migrate.
H.323 is a very low priority these days with a lot of projects and many
Sure we cannot *make" people migrate, but what we can do is make it *attractive* for them to migrate. If everything new is in OPAL, they will make the effort. If we can get feedback from people we can do whatever it takes to make migration as easy as possible. The ultimate goal would be just to change the header files, add an OpalManager and everything else will "just work". It's never that easy, but that was always the goal. projects may just want to .... There is a lot I just cut out which I think is quite misinformed. But arguing over details does not seem relevant in light of the last paragraph.
I really want to bring this whole discussion to an end. For the majority of people it has little relevence. For the rest, it is as it is. let's move on.
Very well. We cannot (nor should we be able to) stop you from going your own way. So, as I said in my first posting, I believe the divergence will continue and this makes me profoundly sad. Robert Jongbloed OPAL/OpenH323 Architect and Co-founder.