Yuriy Are you using H.460.18/.19 on the gatekeeper? Is that where you think the leak might be? Or it's a general leak in GnuGk? Simon -----Original Message----- From: Georgiewskiy Yuriy [mailto:bottleman@icf.org.ru] Sent: Wednesday, 21 October 2009 11:37 PM To: GNU Gatekeeper Users Cc: h323plus@lists.packetizer.com Subject: Re: [Openh323gk-users] Direct Media (H.460.18/.19/.23/.24) Testing On 2009-10-21 21:17 +1000, Simon Horne wrote 'GNU Gatekeeper Users': SH>Guys SH> SH>Over the last few weeks Jan and I have been hard at it testing the SH>Direct Media (no proxy NAT traversal) support in GnuGk and H323plus. SH>We are now relatively confident we have direct media working under SH>most conditions. SH> SH>If you are interested in testing then Gatekeeper then download the SH>latest GnuGk CVS and compile. SH> SH>You can also use the latest H323plus CVS if you want to build a SH>simple endpoint. SH> SH>If you want a quick test under windows. The PacPhone website has the SH>(latest SH>compiled) pacphone client and a windows installer for GnuGK. SH>Remember you may need a STUN server for H.460.23/.24 support. SH> SH>If you have Tandberg or other equipment that supports H.460.18/.19 SH>you may want to try and test also. SH> SH>It would be good if as many people as possible would test the code SH>before the GnuGk 2.3.1 release. i have latest cvs version on one of prodaction system, seems it work fine now but i think there is some kinde of memory leak present, resident size grown about 25-30 megs per day on our volume of calls. C уважением With Best Regards Георгиевский Юрий. Georgiewskiy Yuriy +7 4872 711666 +7 4872 711666 факс +7 4872 711143 fax +7 4872 711143 Компания ООО "Ай Ти Сервис" IT Service Ltd http://nkoort.ru http://nkoort.ru JID: GHhost@jabber.tula-ix.net.ru JID: GHhost@jabber.tula-ix.net.ru YG129-RIPE YG129-RIPE