Hi All, I saw h323plus G722 plugin code, h323plus/plugins/audio/G722/g722codec.c * // TODO: will never be loaded by H323Plus with this description! static const char L16Desc[] = "PCM-16-16kHz"; // Cannot use "L16" as usual, force 16kHz PCM static const char g722[] = "G.722-64k"; static const char sdpG722[] = "G722"; * does any one tried G722 plugin in H323plus? Thanks in Advance Ashwani On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Ashwani Kumar <ash1412@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,
I am not able to see G722 support in H323plus, When I am using simph323 application. I have also copied all the " *g7221_audio_pwplugin.so g7222_audio_pwplugin.so g722_audio_pwplugin.so* to the simph323 dir. I am only able to see *G.722.1-24k{sw} <3> G.722.1-32k{sw} <4>* support in Codec table.
Below is the few line of log;
Codecs (in preference order): Table: G.711-uLaw-64k <2> G.711-ALaw-64k <1> G.722.1-24k{sw} <3> G.722.1-32k{sw} <4> H.264-720{sw} <5> H.264-CIF{sw} <6> H.239(H.264{sw} <1>) <7> H.239 Control <8>
Please find pointers to solve the problem.
Regards. *Ashwani*