Nice idea Paul. The forum is more open and friendly to new users and, in my opinion, can fully replace the mailing list. Regards, <http://www.vocali.net/> David García Gil Vócali Sistemas Inteligentes S.L. <http://www.vocali.net/> Edificio CEEIM, Campus de Espinardo 30100, Espinardo, Murcia, Spain Tel. +34 902 929 644 On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 1:08 AM, Paul E. Jones <paulej@packetizer.com>wrote:
Since the mailing list sees little activity, I thought about getting rid of the mailing list and just having a discussion forum. I’m not sure if that will get more traction, but it’s worth a shot :-)
The forum is here:
There is a link from the AES Crypt page.
I’ll leave the mailing list up for a little while, but I might close the list if there isn’t much activity. Or, we could turn it into a developer list. Thoughts?